Welcome to Round 2 of the Modify Tradition quilt-along. This round will be sort of the same as last time...but sort of different too.
The part that's the same: every week we'll post a tutorial for one traditional block. We'll feature 12 blocks this round which you can use to make a sampler quilt. If there are any you don't like, feel free to substitute any
Round 1 blocks you like better. The first tutorial will go up
February 1.
Now, on to the part that's different: Jennifer and I won't be making sampler quilts. Instead, we're going to use our blocks to create smaller, more manageable projects.
And because this is still a quilt along, we'll provide a tutorial for the project featured that week. We want to give everyone the chance to quilt along with us this time...so if you don't have the time or inclination to make a sampler quilt, there will be plenty of other ways to use your blocks.
So, what sorts of things are we going to make? We'll definitely make some things that are nice to look at...

...and some useful things (that are still nice to look at).

But wait! There's still more: we'll be posting a
giveaway every week! The plan is to give away the item we made for the tutorial (and maybe some bonus giveaways for people who are quilting along with us).
And, to start things off right, I'm pleased to announce that we'll have our very first guest blogger next week. This very talented sewer/artist has generously offered to post a mini tutorial that shows just what we hope to accomplish in this next round.
And we hope you'll join us. It should be fun!