To make a 12" block you will need:
Fabric A: cut 2 - 5" x 5"
Fabric B: cut 2 - 5" x 5", cut 5 - 4.5" 4.5"
Fabric C: cut 8 - 2.5" x 2.5"

Step 1: Make some half square triangles! Mark a diagonal line on the back of two 5" squares. Pair one of fabric A and one of Fabric B, right sides together.

Sew 1/4" on either side of the line.

Cut along the line.

Press open and trim to 4.5"

Step 2: Now we'll make our star. Choose one of your 4.5" squares to be the center of your block. Set this one aside and lay out your remaining 4 squares. Draw a diagonal line on the back of your Fabric C squares. Place one Fabric C onto the corner of your Fabric B square:

Sew along the line (I find that sewing a smidge to the right of the line helps my block turn out better.)

Trim 1/4" away from your seam and press triangle to the side.

Place another Fabric C square on an adjacent corner and sew along the line:

Trim and press open.

Step 3:Arrange your pieces:

Sew into rows:

And sew the rows together to finish the block:

See? Easy! And in case you're wondering, this week's project will require a 12" block.