Monday, April 5, 2010

Forest Paths

I know some of you are participating in one (or more) pinwheel quilt-alongs right now so I hope you don't mind one more pinwheel block. This block was so perfect for tomorrow's project that I couldn't pass it up. Hopefully you'll agree.

forest paths block

To make a 12" block:
Fabric A - cut two 5" x 5"
Fabric B - cut two 5" x 5"
cut four - 2.5 "x 2.5"
Fabric C - cut four 2.5" x 8.5"

*This week's project tutorial requires a 6" block*
Fabric A - cut two 3" x 3"
Fabric B - cut two 3" x 3"
cut four - 1.5" x 1.5"
Fabric C - cut four 1.5" x 4.5"


First we'll make some half square triangles using the Fabric A and B squares:




Trim to 4.5" (2.5" for a 6" block), arrange your half square triangles into a pinwheel and sew together:


Lay out the rest of your pieces and sew together into rows:



Sew your rows together to complete the block. Trim to 12.5" (6.5") if necessary.

forest paths block